New Delhi: In subtle comments aimed at its Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi today said there was no Modi wave in the country but only a BJP wave.
Joshi, who headed the BJP manifesto committee, also suggested that the Gujarat model of development touted by Modi cannot be made applicable for all states, observing he did not favour a “straitjacket” model of one particular state.
Joshi, who had to make way for Modi for the Varanasi Parliamentary seat, said their prime ministerial candidate was just a “representative” of the party for the top post and was getting support from across the country and BJP leaders.
“Modi is a representative of the party as a PM it is not a highly personalised thing (the wave). It is a representative wave. He gets support from different parts of the country, from sections of the society and from all leaders of the BJP,” he told “Manorma News” in controversial remarks that could ruffle feathers within the party.