While the senior BJP leader's aggregate investments in shares stood at Rs 14,89,500, he is maintaining a balance of Rs 21,18,164 in accounts in eight different banks.
He has opened a separate bank account for electoral purpose with balance of Rs 7,01,000, while cash in hand is Rs 24,500, according to the affidavit.
Gadkari has invested Rs 11,86,500 and his wife Rs 18,40,000 in business.
As per the affidavit, he has taken a loan of Rs one crore from the Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited for the purpose of procuring property.
Gadkari's total liabilities stood at Rs 1,30,35,000. He has a fleet of vehicles worth Rs 14,70,000, the affidavit said.
Submission of affidavit is mandatory at the time of filing of nomination papers as per Election Commission rules.