Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati on Wednesday declared her assets which stood at over Rs 88 crore, an increase of nearly Rs 36 crore in the past three years.
An affidavit submitted by her while filing nomination papers for next month's Legislative Council polls said she has commercial and residential properties worth Rs 75.47 crore.
This included 3987.78 square metre of property worth Rs 54 crore at Nehru Road in New Delhi, the affidavit said.
The Chief Minister, seeking re-election to the Vidhan Parishad, has gold and diamond jewellery worth Rs 88 lakh. This included one kg of gold.
According to the affidavit, 54-year-old Mayawati has deposits in banks and other financial institutions amounting to Rs 11.39 crore.
She also has paintings and murals worth Rs 15 lakh besides a silver dinner set, weighing over 18 kgs, worth Rs four lakh.
An LLB from Delhi University, Mayawati has no vehicle and no agriculture land, the affidavit said adding she had filed her income tax returns till 2009-2010.
In the affidavit filed by Mayawati in 2007 while contesting a Vidhan Parishad bypoll, she had said she had assets worth Rs 52 crore.
Mayawati is, at present, an MLC and her term is coming to an end in July.
Elections to 13 Vidhan Parishad seats, which will fall vacant in July, will be held on June 10. PTI