For all practical purposes, Mulayam Singh's family is ruling Uttar Pradesh today. Mulyam has now handed over UP to his son Akhilesh Yadav who has taken over the reins of power as the youngest CM of the state. Mulayam Singh's brothers and relatives are calling the shots in both the UP government and party machinery. One of his brothers Ram Gopal Yadav is a Rajya Sabha MP,another brother Shivpal Yadav is a senior UP minister while his daughter-in-law and Akhilesh Yadav's wife, Dimple Yadav, is a sitting MP in Lok Sabha.
Mulayam Singh Yadav can be easily termed as the shrewdest but pragmatic socialist politician of India. He swears in the name of the Socialist ideologue Ram Manohar Lohia, who spent his entire life opposing Congress, but has unabashedly emerged as the saviour of the Congress led governments in recent times.