Ranchi, Mar 27 : BJP today said it would focus on the next elections in Uttar Pradesh as Mayawati-led government "will not return" and the people "wouldn't like to bring back"Samajwadi Party and Congress as it is "embroiled" in scams."Mayawati government will not return while the people of Uttar Pradesh don't like to bring Mulayam Singh Yadav.
The post Bihar election scenario and the spate of scams leave the Congress in a precarious situation. Therefore the option is BJP in Uttar Pradesh," BJP president Nitin Gadkari told a press conference here."Our focus will be in Uttar Pradesh. The party will organise ten rallies there," he said as the northern state would go for Assembly polls next year.
Expecting a non-Congress government in the ensuing elections in Assam, Gadkari said BJP has been expecting to win up to five seats in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry to make a beginning in the southern state and the union territory.
He dismissed a query whether party leaders Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley were taking different lines as leaders of the opposition in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha."There is no such lines. Don't go by rumours," he said. PTI