New Delhi: With the NDA government set to complete two year in office next month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked his close confidants to make a list of successful government schemes, pro-farmer, pro-poor and pro-aam aadmi achievements which can be showcased during the second anniversary celebrations.
According to Economic Times, the prime minister has formed an informal group of ministers that include Nitin Gadkari, M Venkaiah Naidu, Piyush Goyal and Rajyavardhan Rathore.The main task before the GoM is to create a positive media buzz across the country.
PM has reportedly asked the GoM to devise a media strategy to highlight how flagship programmes like Swacch Bharat, 'Beti bachao', Accessible India and Gram Panchayat Development Programme have caught the imagination of the people across the country.
The panel has also been give the responsibilty to identify specific schemes targeted towards women and child welfare, poor, farmers and neglected socio-economic groups like transgenders, differently-abled and Dalits that have had an impact over the last two years, the daily reports.
Besides, the government has also planned to audio-visual advertisements to showcase its achievements.
"The main reason is that though work is getting done, the right coverage is not taking place. So this needs to be done." sources told ET.
The move is also seen as a counter measure against Congress that had taken out a report card titled "Ek Saal, desh badhaal" (One year, country in distress) last year.