Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday said that the Jammu and Kashmir government is keeping an eye on all the developments related to Zaira Wasim (who played the role of a young Geeta Phogat in 'Dangal’), and if needed, security will be provided to the teenage actress.
"...information we have got from the state government is that they are keeping an eye on the entire episode and whatever necessary step needs to be taken it (state government) will take...and if security is needed, it will provide that security," Singh said.
He said that the youths of the country who bring laurels through their talent must be appreciated and encouraged.
"Youngsters in any part of the country, and especially in Jammu and Kashmir who have grown under shadow of terrorism, and if the youngsters express their talent it becomes the duty of the society to encourage and appreciate them," he said.
Zaira shot to fame after she played young Geeta Phogat in ‘Dangal’ movie but was trolled online for meeting Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti.
The 16-year-old first posted an apology for offending and unintentionally hurting people after her meeting with Mehbooba kicked up a row but later deleted the post. She then posted again, asking everyone not to blow the issue out of proportion but deleted that post too.
Meanwhile, ‘I am with Zaira’ and ‘Kashmir stands with Zaira Wasim’ have become trending hashtags on social media platforms, taking the virtual world by storm she was trolled by a few.