Amid the ongoing unrest in Jammu and Kashmir that has claimed over 80 lives in the Valley, senior Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader and Lok Sabha member Tariq Hamid Karra on Thursday resigned both from the party and the Parliament.
Karra tendered his resignation citing the government’s failure to deal with the violence that engulfed the state following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani on July 8.
"I have resigned from the primary membership of PDP and Parliament," Karra was quoted as saying by the ANI.
Karra, who served as the state’s Finance minister in the PDP government led by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in 2002, was against the alliance between PDP and Bharatiya Janata Party in J&K.
A total of 86 persons have been killed and 11,500 injured in the ongoing unrest that started on July 9, a day after Burhan Wani was killed.
For the 69th consecutive day, life remained paralysed in the Kashmir valley today.