Suryanamaskar: Originated as a series of Hindu Sun God 'Surya' prostrations, the Sun Salutation or Suryanamaskar celebrates the sun's divinity. This yoga pose has been practiced since ancient times as a full-body exercise and height growth are some of the common benefits associated with this yoga pose.

Hastapadasana: This yoga pose works on each and every part of the body, and is also known to elongate the spine and stretch out the hamstring. Therefore, increasing one's height in the most effective way. Other benefits of this yoga asana include belly fat reduction, increased flexibility, better posture, and, improved blood flow in the brain.

Tadasana: The greatest advantage of this yoga pose is that it helps to correct your posture and strengthens your equilibrium by elongating your spine.

Padahastasana: Padahastasana is believed to enrich body balance and spiritual cleansing by unlocking the energy zones of our body. Considering the tightness of the hamstring and lower back, beginners can find it difficult to swoop directly into the Padahastasana posture. Hence, before performing Padahastasana, one should practice a few simple stretches to relieve the tension from the neck, back, and hamstring.

Chakrasana: Chakrasana, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana, is extremely helpful for increasing height, whatever your age may be. It involves bending backward like a 'chakra' or 'wheel,' which requires strength and flexibility to be built up.

Parvatasana: Parvatasana is derived from the Sanskrit words parvata, meaning "mountain," and asana, meaning "pose." In parvatasana, the body is thought to mimic a mountain 's shape.

Trikonasana: Before you do the asana, make sure you do a good warm-up exercise of the whole body. Do it slowly and gently whilst bending forward so as not to lose your balance. Refrain from performing this pose if you are suffering from nausea, vomiting, low or high blood pressure, or neck and back injuries.