Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ahead of International Yoga Day 2020, look how Malaika Arora gracefully aces various yogasanas

Bollywood's one of the sizzling and ultimate diva Malaika Arora has time and again opened up about how she likes to keep herself fit through yoga, balanced workout routines, and a disciplined lifestyle. The 'yummy mummy' of the industry has kept herself fit and fab even in her 40s. Every now and then she keeps on motivating her fans to get healthy through her Instagram posts. Ahead of International Yoga Day 2020, have a look through pictures of how Malla can perform every yoga pose with sheer elegance.

Shriya Bhasin Written by: Shriya Bhasin [ Published on: June 19, 2020 18:34 IST ]
  • Ahead of International Yoga Day 2020, look how Malaika Arora gracefully aces various yogasanas

    Ahead of International Yoga Day 2020, look how Malaika Arora gracefully aces various yogasanas

  • Malaika shared how her fans can perform Sarvangasana. She wrote,
    Image Source : INSTA

    Malaika shared how her fans can perform Sarvangasana. She wrote, "Lie down with your back on the floor, and palms close to your body - Lift your legs and bring them close to your heart - Lift your lower body slowly and place your hands on your lower back, keeping your elbows close to the torso

    - Slowly lift your legs up, forming a straight line with your forearm - Breathe normally without any pressure on your neck - To come out of the pose, fold your knees, bring your legs close to the chest and slowly release your hands."

  • Next came the turn of Vrikshasana or the Tree Pose! She writes,
    Image Source : INSTA

    Next came the turn of Vrikshasana or the Tree Pose! She writes, "Stand erect with the soles of your feet flat on the ground- Fold the right leg and place the sole on the inner thigh of your left leg, with your toes pointing downwards- The right leg should be perpendicular to the left leg- Fix your gaze and slowly extend your arms upwards, in a namaskar position- Repeat on the other side."

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  • Malaika teaches the 'Sirsasana' which can work magic for your skin. She explains how to get into the pose and writes,
    Image Source : INSTA

    Malaika teaches the 'Sirsasana' which can work magic for your skin. She explains how to get into the pose and writes, "Squat on your toes, come down on your knees. Interlock your fingers, moving your body forward placing your forearms on the floor. Place the crown of your head in between your palms and raise your hips off the floor, straightening your knees and legs. Walk a few steps towards your head, only as much as possible. Bend the knees, tuck your thighs in your abdomen and chest and slowly shift the weight of your body from toes to head and arms. Balance is key here. Carefully lift one foot off the ground, maintaining the balance and then the other foot. Ask for assistance if needed. Breathe regularly."

  • Her next pose is-- Modified Reclined Pigeon Pose
. She wrote,
    Image Source : INSTA

    Her next pose is-- Modified Reclined Pigeon Pose
. She wrote, "To begin, come onto your back with your knees bent and your thighs parallel and hip-distance apart. Cross your left ankle over your right thigh, making sure that your anklebone clears your thigh. Actively flex your front foot by pulling your toes back. Pull your right knee in toward your chest, thread your left arm through the triangle between your legs and clasp your hands around the back of your right leg. If it feels good for you, straighten the right leg and bring your head up towards the left shin. Keep pulling your right leg in to feel a nice stretch across your left glutes as well as the right hamstring. Switch legs and repeat on the other side."

  • Malaika's next pose is 'Modified Side Uttanpadasana.' She explained
    Image Source : insta

    Malaika's next pose is 'Modified Side Uttanpadasana.' She explained "Begin this pose by coming to a supine position. Turn sideways to your right and slowly stretch your right arm. Exhale and while breathing in, slowly raise your legs. Do not raise your shoulders and hips from the ground. -Breathe normally in the final position and hold for a few seconds. The upper body, arms, and face are to be relaxed. Do not bend the knee or lift the lower body from the floor. While releasing, inhale and while exhaling slowly lower the legs back to the ground. Relax and breathe normally."

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  • Learn from Malaika how to perform the 'Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.' She writes,
    Image Source : insta

    Learn from Malaika how to perform the 'Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.' She writes, "Lie on the floor with your belly on the ground. Stretch your legs out, with your toes touching the ground and palms placed alongside your chest, fingers spread wide. Inhale, and push yourself up with your arms, straightening your elbows and lifting your torso and thighs a few inches from the floor. Look straight ahead or slightly upwards, whatever is comfortable for you."
