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  4. 5 best family pet dog breeds in India

5 best family pet dog breeds in India

5 best family pet dog breeds in India

India TV Lifestyle Desk
New Delhi: Dogs are more reliable than a human being. Basically having a dog as a best friend is like 'Friendship with no complaints and demands'. In India some breeds are so common that you can find them in most of the families. So, here are the five popular breeds in India which will make you in love with them.
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New Delhi: Dogs are more reliable than a human being. Basically having a dog as a best friend is like 'Friendship with no complaints and demands'. In India some breeds are so common that you can find them in most of the families. So, here are the five popular breeds in India which will make you in love with them.
Boxer: Boxers are kind of sporty dogs having the ability to train quickly. Blind people love to keep them because of their strong jaws, alert mind and a big body. Boxers are friendly and joyful in nature and can be a good pet.
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Boxer: Boxers are kind of sporty dogs having the ability to train quickly. Blind people love to keep them because of their strong jaws, alert mind and a big body. Boxers are friendly and joyful in nature and can be a good pet.
Pug: This toy type breed is considered as the most recommended choice in the recent past. Thanks to an ad of mobile service provider Vodafone. The ad showed reliable and caring behaviour of a pug towards his owner's child. They are the best pet for a family with whom all the family members can play with, and even expect sensible behaviour from the dog too.
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Pug: This toy type breed is considered as the most recommended choice in the recent past. Thanks to an ad of mobile service provider Vodafone. The ad showed reliable and caring behaviour of a pug towards his owner's child. They are the best pet for a family with whom all the family members can play with, and even expect sensible behaviour from the dog too.
German Shepherd: German Shepherds are said to be the most obedient and strong dogs having a big muscled body. Indian police feed this breed for the purpose of investigating and monitoring crimes. They have a skill to adapt themselves in any environment easily. Intelligence and cleverness are in blood of these dogs.
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German Shepherd: German Shepherds are said to be the most obedient and strong dogs having a big muscled body. Indian police feed this breed for the purpose of investigating and monitoring crimes. They have a skill to adapt themselves in any environment easily. Intelligence and cleverness are in blood of these dogs.
Golden Retriever:  Golden Retriever is dog with golden hair and heart, with loving and playful nature. This breed of dog are bigger in size and have bold looks with innocent eyes. They are acceptable by children and elders both.
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Golden Retriever: Golden Retriever is dog with golden hair and heart, with loving and playful nature. This breed of dog are bigger in size and have bold looks with innocent eyes. They are acceptable by children and elders both.
Labrador Retriever:  Labrador retrievers have a jolly nature and are playful and caring. They are big muscled dogs having playful and dynamic behaviour. Labrador can be a good friend and even considered as the best partner or member in a family.
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Labrador Retriever: Labrador retrievers have a jolly nature and are playful and caring. They are big muscled dogs having playful and dynamic behaviour. Labrador can be a good friend and even considered as the best partner or member in a family.