Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Monday said that his government will focus on empowering the youth of the state and overhauling the education sector for the year 2025. Khandu said that these areas are significant for the state’s development and prosperity. Arunachal Pradesh government has declared 2024-2025 as the ‘Year of Youth’ in its budget.
This ‘Year of Youth’ initiative highlights the administration's gratitude and recognition of the key role young people play in shaping both the nation and the state, Khandu said. "The 'Year of Youth' is our acknowledgement of the immense responsibility our youth hold in building 'Viksit Bharat' (developed India) and 'Viksit Arunachal' (prosperous Arunachal)," the CM said.
Here are the primary objectives under ‘Year of Youth’:
Focus on Skill Development: Emphasis on skill development programs to equip youth for entrepreneurial ventures. The Arunachal Pradesh Entrepreneurship Development Programme (APEDP) has been launched to support aspiring entrepreneurs.
Partnerships for APEDP: The Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Innovation Park (IIMCIP) is the knowledge partner for the APEDP. Collaboration will also be done with institutions like IIMs and the Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) Guwahati to offer advanced skill development training.
Focus on Education Sector: Over the next three financial years, transformative changes will be implemented in the education sector, the CM said. The government will aim to ensure quality education, improve infrastructure, and offer better opportunities for students.
Brainstorming Sessions for Education Reform: This will be led by Education Minister P D Sona and Advisor Mutchu Mithi to identify challenges and propose solutions. A comprehensive report with recommendations for education reform will be compiled and implemented by the state government.
Optimising Education Resources: Focus will be on quality over quantity in education, prioritizing improved learning experiences rather than just increasing the number of schools. About 600 non-functional or low-enrollment schools have been closed or merged. Khandu said that the government also plans to develop well-equipped inter-village schools with hostels, teaching staff, and modern teaching methods.
(With PTI inputs)