Digital education for women is not just important, it is a must. Especially now, when we find ourselves confined indoors due to the coronavirus pandemic, it becomes all the more crucial for one to know how to go about life when social distancing is highly advisable. To this regard, some of the worst impacted sections of the society include those who live in rural India and have neither the society's backing to prosper nor the technological or financial resources to be self-reliant (or as we like to term it these days -- Atmanirbhar). raised this issue at a World Bank forum for bridging the gender divide in times of social distancing. One of the panelists, who hails from Ghana, put the pieces together which could help women in what I call our -- 'men-centric' society -- to get out of their shells and thrive.
Regina Honu, the CEO of Soronko Solutions, in answer to the question put up by, said -- These women must challenge these cultural stereotypes and norms.
Honu came up with an unorthodox way these girls should approach this issue. "Rather than pitching it like I want to learn technology, we must pitch it like, the way the world is going, especially with COVID-19, learning these skills would attract better jobs as well as enhance educational value. Which in turn will bring economical value to the family."
"We encourage such people to talk to other people, educate them that it is essential for them to speak up. Women in our network form WhatsApp groups to share information. In these groups we talk to several stakeholders and encourage them to speak up," Honu added.
She also stressed the need for government and other community leaders, now more than ever, to join in and emphasize on why it is important for women to be digitally literate.