A devastating fire claimed the lives of ten members of a family, including an infant, at a house in Lahore's Bhati Gate area on Wednesday. The incident happened after the compressor of their refrigerator reportedly exploded.
According to Geo News, the deceased family members included a man, his wife, two other women, five children and an infant. Only one person managed to survive the tragic incident.
Moreover, the house had no ventilation system in place to let the smoke out, as per rescue officials. "There was nothing left by the time we reached here," said the father of one of the deceased.
The bodies of the deceased will be handed to their heirs after the identification process and medico-legal formalities are completed, said police. The cooling process of the gutted building is underway.
Punjab's Interior Ministry Mohsin Naqvi sought a report from the Lahore commissioner over the incident and ordered a comprehensive investigation.
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