“While it is so that freedom of expression is embodied in the South African Constitution, the same Constitution does not grant absolute rights in this regard,” Moothsamy said.
“We will call on government to introduce legislation that protects Hindu and other religious iconography from being denigrated.”
South African Hindu Maha Sabha president Ashwin Trikamjee said these type of action reared its head from time to time, usually from people who were ignorant of its religious significance.
“We have to find a way to address the increasing use of Hindu iconography in a derogatory way with impunity,” he said.
Hindu Youth Network Chairman Pregesan Pillay said the latest incident was particularly offencive as it came while temples across the country marked Thaipoosam Kavady, honouring the deity Ganesha, one of those featuring in the offencive pictures.
The editor of the website, who identified himself as Nas Who, said the photographs were not aimed at making any statement on Hinduism.