5. Genghis Khan The Mongolian warlord and dictator, Genghis Khan who had conquered a quarter of the world seven hundred years ago, is known to be ‘the daddy of all lovers'.
Research has shown that Genghis Khan could have fathered thousands of children
Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences believe the brutal ruler has 16 million male descendants living today, meaning that he must have fathered hundreds of children.
He might have chosen beautiful young women whom he had met during the course of his conquest.
While the ruler and his commanders ate a meaty feast, numerous women were paraded for inspection.
According to researchers, Genghis Khan chose from women of the highest rank. He liked them with small noses, rounded hips, long silky hair, red lips and melodious voices.
He measured their beauty in carats: if he rated them below a certain number they were sent to the tents of his officers.