New Delhi: Our body is a complex structure comprising of various parts. Each of them have a distinct role to play. While some body parts are vital for us, there are certain parts which are not much useful to us, but they still form part of our body.
But what if, if you have an extra body part? A person having six fingers in a hand, is nothing extraordinary, but there are various cases across the world, which can actually astound you.
Here we present a list of such people having extra body parts:
Extra Uterus

A 24 year old woman in Florida, Andreea Barbosa, gave birth to twins, but her pregnancy was not like the other would-be moms. Andreea Barbosa has uterus didelphys, which means double uterus, and each twin was born from each uterus. Such cases are very rare as there have been only 100 similar cases aorund the world. Women with such a condition have an increased risk of infertility, miscarriage or premature birth.