"Any harmful radiation from the event is blocked by the magnetosphere and atmosphere, so cannot reach humans on Earth.
"Solar radiation storms can, however, disturb the regions through which high frequency radio communications travel.
"NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (http://swpc.noaa.gov) is the United States Government official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings.
"NASA and NOAA – as well as the US Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) and others -- keep a constant watch on the sun to monitor for space weather effects such as geomagnetic storms.
"With advance notification many satellites, spacecraft and technologies can be protected from the worst effects", the statement concluded promising regular updates would be given.
NASA's sun-watching Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a stunning video of the strongest solar flare of 2013 showing it in detail.
The spacecraft is one of several space-based observatories keeping track of the sun's solar weather events.
NASA officials dubbed the solar flare as a "spring fling" for the sun, which has been relatively calm as it heads into its peak activity period.
Thursday's M-class solar flare was about 10 times weaker than X-class flares, which are the strongest flares the sun can unleash.
M-class solar flares are the weakest solar events that can still trigger space weather effects near Earth, such as communications interruptions or spectacular northern lights displays.
The solar flare triggered a short-lived radio communications blackout on Earth that registered as an R2 event (on a scale of R1 to R5), according to space weather scales maintained NOAA, Fox added.