Vande Bharat train timings: Indian Railways has announced changes in the schedule of selected Vande Bharat Express trains from January 1, 2025. With 136 Vande Bharat trains operating nationwide, the revised timings are part of efforts to improve operational efficiency. Passengers are advised to check the updated schedule before travelling.
Trains with revised timings
The new schedule covers the following four trains running most of the speed.
1. Deoghar-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express (Train No. 22499)
- Departure: 21:53 hrs (previously 21:55 hrs)
- Arrival: 22:30 hrs
2. Patna-Gomti Nagar Vande Bharat Express (Train No. 22345)
- Departure: 09:05 hrs (five minutes later than earlier)
- Arrival at Gomti Nagar: 14:35 hrs (adjusted from 14:20 hrs)
3. Lucknow-Dehradun Vande Bharat Express (Train No. 22545)
- Arrival at Dehradun: 13:40 hrs (previously 13:35 hrs)
4. Gomti Nagar-Patna Vande Bharat Express (Train No. 22346)
- Arrival at the ML-NEWC section: 20:43 hrs (previously 20:35 hrs)
- Destination Arrival: 23:45 hrs
How to get an updated schedule
Passengers can view updated train schedules by:
- IRCTC website:
- National Railway Examination Scheme (NTES)
- Station Enquiry Counters
Indian Railways recommends checking the schedules in advance to ensure a smooth journey.
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