Uttarakhand Governor Baby Rani Maurya has tested positive for COVID-19. Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari had called on Maurya at the Raj Bhawan here on Saturday. In a tweet on Sunday evening, Maurya said, "My corona report has come out positive. I am asymptomatic and have no problems. I have isolated myself under the supervision of doctors. I request everyone who came in contact with me over the last few days to get themselves tested."
A press release from the Raj Bhawan said the Uttarakhand governor had returned here from Agra on Friday after a week-long vacation.
As Saturday and Sunday were holidays and the governor's residential quarters and the Raj Bhawan secretariat are quite distant from each other, she did not come in contact with any official or employee, it said.
Hence, the governor's secretariat will function normally.
Uttarakhand reported 466 fresh COVID-19 cases on Sunday, taking the state's pandemic tally to 71,256.