Intensifying its offensive against hardcore criminals in Mathura, the police will soon start confiscating their properties, a senior police officer said on Saturday. Every police station in the district will prepare a list of the top ten criminals in their areas, Ajay Anand, ADG Agra Zone said.
Properties of seven hardcore criminals of Mathura would be confiscated, he said. He further said any attack on a police party would invite stern punitive action.
Anand, who is nodal officer for COVID-19 in district, asked business establishments to remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays in order to discourage the people from coming out of their homes.
Total closure on weekends would enable the breaking of chain related to infection of COVID-19, officials said.
People will not get exposed to any infection if the markets are closed, he added.
The officer also advised people to wear masks for their own safety as well as for the safety of their family members.
He said he expected the media to play a pivotal role in spreading awareness about following social distancing norms and use of masks.