“As on March 2013, the per capita loan burden of my state is Rs 9,368, while it is Rs 29,228 in Modi's state,” he said.
Speaking about MGNREGA, he said Modi had given completely wrong figures.
“In Assam, 40.92 lakh job cards were issued and 13.08 lakh people got jobs. Whereas in Gujarat, 36.60 lakh people were issued job cards, but only 1.75 lakh got jobs,” he added.
On government spending, Gogoi said Assam spent 25.08 per cent of total budget in education, sports, art and culture as against 17.13 per cent by Gujarat.
“In rural development and medical and public health, I am spending 3.13 per cent and 4.80 per cent respectively of my total budget, while Modi is spending 2.8 per cent and 4.6 per cent respectively,” he added.
Gogoi, however, said Gujarat was spending more on urban development projects than Assam.