Eminent Sanskrit scholar and vice-chancellor of Rastriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Tirupati, Harekrushna Satpathy says: “It is in fact a sin to touch Lord Jagannth as he is the ‘Brahma'. Just having a glimpse of the Lord during Rath Jatra helps to earn ‘Mokshya' according to Hindu scriptures.”
Keeping in view growing threat to Hindu Dhams, former director general of police, Odisha, Gopal Nanda said: “If not for the state of religion, the people should help the administration by not climbing the chariots and touching the deities for security point of view.”
However, the daitapati priests feel that there is a conspiracy to debar devotees from touching the Lord and climbing the chariots.
“As Lord Jagannth comes out every year to mingle with people irrespective of religion, there should be no ban,” said Jagannath Swain Mohapatra.