Ram Janmabhoomi pujan is taking place in Ayodhya today, an event that has added another chapter in the Indian history as PM Modi laid the foundation stone of the grand Ram Mandir. As its a festival like atmosphere in Ayodhya, a look at photos of Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir bhoomi pujan and how the city is celebrating the big event.
Edited by: India TV News DeskNew DelhiPublished : Aug 05, 2020 11:53 IST, Updated : Aug 05, 2020 14:40 IST
Ram Janmabhoomi pujan is taking place in Ayodhya today, an event that has added another chapter in the Indian history as PM Modi laid the foundation stone of the grand Ram Mandir. The entire town of Ayodhya is celebrating the groundbreaking ceremony of the Ram Temple as all ancient sites, building across the city on key roads have been illuminated while people are lighting earthen lamps (diyas) on roads outside their homes. As its a festival like atmosphere in Ayodhya, a look at photos of Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir bhoomi pujan rituals and how the city is celebrating the big event.