The Railway Ministry has writtem to the social media platform X to remove videos and pictures of the Delhi stamepede that contain gory photos or videos. As per the railway sources Railways has directed the social media platform to remove a few pictures of the February 15 stampede incidents at the New Delhi Railway Station which outrage women's modesty.
A PTI report cited sources as saying that the Ministry took this decision after some stampede-affected family members requested the it to initiate the process as the pictures and videos are disrespectful to the deceased, and very disturbing and traumatising to the survivors and their relatives.
"We received only one picture from a concerned person who requested it to be removed. We initiated our efforts to identify more such videos/pictures and found at least half-a-dozen were in circulation. "We sent all that to X asking it to remove similar images and videos from its platform.The direction was issued a day after the incident, i.e., February 16," a railway official said, adding that after issuing a notice, the firm is supposed to initiate action within 36 hours.
'Purpose is to uphold the rights and dignity'
The source further added that the purpose is to uphold the rights and dignity of those, especially females, who lost their lives in the recent stampede. "Some photos and videos which have been in circulation on X outrageously showed body parts of deceased women," a senior official from the Railway Board said. He added, "People who shot those videos or took pictures were oblivious to the fact that they were capturing photos that were traumatic for their families and relatives. Hence, we have asked X to remove such content."
On December 24 last year, the ministry gazetted a notification under which it empowered its executive director, (Information and Publicity) to issue notices to such platforms if they are carry information related to railways which is prohibited under any law.
Delhi Stampede
Eighteen passengers lost their lives and several others were injured when a stampede took place on the stairs near platform number 14 of New Delhi Railway Station allegedly due to confusion on the announcement of two Prayagraj-bound trains.
(PTI inputs)