Sawal To Banta Hai: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was disqualified as Lok Sabha Member of Parliament (MP) as per the law which was made when the UPA government was in power, said BJP national spokesperson and Rajya Sabha member Sudhanshu Trivedi. In an exclusive conversation with India TV in its show Sawal To Banta Hai, Sudhanshu Trivedi spoke about the Congress party's reaction over the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi as Lok Sabha MP saying that for Congress there are two legislations in the country.
Rahul Gandhi never had respect for law, says Sudhanshu Trivedi
Sudhanshu Trivedi said that Rahul Gandhi is already out on bail in the corruption case. He said that Rahul, who never had respect for the law and order, is now advocating for it. The BJP MP said that Rahul Gandhi is following the tradition of his family. Just like Indira Gandhi was disqualified by the High Court on charges of rigging the elections, similarly, the court has now punished Rahul and cancelled his Parliament membership.
During Congress govt, country was being run according to family, says BJP MP
The BJP leader said that even today the attitude of the leaders of the Congress party is that there should be two legislations in the country. There should be one legislation for the country and another for the Gandhi-Nehru family.
He alleged that in the Congress government, there were two legislations in the country so that his family could be benefited but it won't work today.
Modi government is a government for the poor, the helpless and the general public. The BJP government will work for the country, the common people and not for any particular family.
Watch the full interview here:
ALSO READ | Rahul Gandhi asked to vacate govt bungalow in Delhi days after being disqualified as MP