Similarly, about 60 members of another pro-Tamil outfit were detained in North Chennai for allegedly trying to burn an effigy of External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid, who will lead a delegation from India for CHOGM.
MDMK Leader Vaiko who had earlier asked the traders to shut shops tomorrow seeking their support, in a statement urged the student community to participate in tomorrow's bandh.
“I appeal to the students to participate in tomorrow's agitation. I will lead the rail-roko at Madurai railway station”, he said.
While the main opposition parties in Tamil Nadu are yet to announce their stand on the bandh, the government has convened an emergent session of the state assembly, apparently to take a view on India taking part in CHOGM.
The assembly last month had passed a “unanimous” resolution demanding that India “completely boycott” CHOGM.
DMK President M Karunanidhi had welcomed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's decision to skip the CHOGM, in view of opposition by political parties in Tamil Nadu and said it came as “some consolation”.