Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on Friday appealed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to take action against those who damaged railway property during the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA). He was speaking at Margao in Goa, addressing a press conference in support of the controversial legislation.
"It is unfortunate that public property was targeted (during anti-CAA protests). It also shows the mindset of the people who are instigating the violence," the minister said.
"We have filed necessary complaints in police stations, (these incidents) largely happened in West Bengal.
I hope the West Bengal government will take action," he said.
"I appeal chief minister Mamata Banerjee to take stern action against the culprits," the BJP leader said.
"Railways do not have the power to take these cases to the logical end. Local police have to take necessary action.
Railway Protection Force is following it up with local police to identify miscreants. They also have CCTV footage and I hope action is taken," he added.
The anger against the CAA (which offers citizenship to non-Muslim migrants who have arrived from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan fleeing religious persecution) was "misguided" and instigated by some for political motives, Goyal said.
"Now people have seen through their designs and realizing that the anger is baseless and there is no reason to worry.
"Giving citizenship to the people who were persecuted in neighbouring countries is not about political gain or loss, it is a humanitarian gesture," he said.
Also Read: No CAA in Bengal till I am alive: Mamata Banerjee's fresh offensive against BJP