Parliament Winter Session 2024: The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned for the day on Thursday amid opposition protests over the violence in Sambhal and the Adani issue. Opposition members were in the Well of the House raising slogans demanding action against the perpetrators of the violence in Sambhal during a survey being carried out in a mosque. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju flayed the protests saying, "I condemn the attempts by the Congress and its allies in disrupting the House proceedings." Meanwhile, Congress leaders Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and Ravindra Vasantrao Chavan took oath as Members of Parliament in the Lok Sabha on Thursday (November 28). Notably, Priyanka Gandhi became the third member of the Gandhi family to enter Parliament. Congress' Ravindra Vasantrao Chavan won the Nanded Lok Sabha seat in a by-election with 5,86,788 votes. The seat fell vacant following the death of the sitting Congress MP, Vasantrao Balwantrao Chavan, necessitating the bypoll. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra secured the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat with a margin of 4,10,931 votes, defeating Sathyan Mokeri of the Communist Party of India (CPI). Wayanad, a Congress stronghold, witnessed a triangular contest among Priyanka Gandhi, BJP's Navya Haridas, and CPI's Sathyan Mokeri.