Parliament Winter Session 2024: Winter Session proceedings in both Houses of Parliament were suspended for the fourth consecutive day on Friday as Opposition members continued their protests over the Adani bribery allegations and other issues. The Rajya Sabha was adjourned for the day, while the Lok Sabha was suspended until noon. Despite attempts to proceed with the agenda, Opposition MPs persisted with their demands for a discussion on these issues, leading to the further suspension of Lok Sabha proceedings until December 2. Both Houses are scheduled to resume on December 2, 2024. In the Rajya Sabha, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar rejected 17 adjournment notices, leading to uproar and slogan-shouting by opposition MPs. Dhankhar expressed concern over the use of Rule 267 as a tool for disruption and adjourned the session until December 2. Meanwhile, in the Lok Sabha, the session was adjourned until noon after protests by opposition members, including Congress and Samajwadi Party MPs, who demanded discussions on the issues.