In a multi-agency operation led by the Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), officials are carrying out searches at around 200 locations in the state linked to more than 100 firms, and questioning people for suspected tax evasion and similar offences, sources said.
Apart from the ATS, officials of the state Goods and Services Tax (GST) department and Ahmedabad crime branch are involved in the mega operation, they said. According to the sources, the searches are being carried out in several districts of the state, including Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, and Jamnagar, against 122 firms.
The authorities are questioning around 74 suspects in this connection and the operation is likely to expose large-scale tax-related offences, they said.
Several cases of issuance of bogus bills to commit input tax credit (ITC) fraud have been detected in the state in recent times, the sources said.
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