New Delhi, November 29: Slamming the continued disruptions in Parliament, Union Minister Kapil Sibal on Tuesday said MPs indulging in such conduct are not “doing things consistent to the oath” they took as members.
“Having taken an oath to the Constitution our job is to discuss, debate and inform. If we do not do that, then in a sense we are not doing things consistent to the oath that we have taken,” Mr. Sibal told reporters outside Parliament House.
Replying to a question on functioning of Parliament after it was adjourned till tomorrow, Mr. Sibal said, “It is our job to work, we get paid for it. It is not just issue of money, it is an issue of public service.”
Asked about Opposition's demand to rollback decision on FDI in retail sector, he said, “I am only to talk about what we are supposed to do here, it is not for me to comment on anybody.”
He refused to be drawn into the issue of Lokpal Bill. “I have refused to comment on these issues, please do not seek to extract a comment from me,” Mr. Sibal said.
Stressing his point that the House must be allowed to function, Mr. Sibal said whoever is obstructing the functioning of House is not paying allegiance to the oath they have taken in the House and to the Constitution.