The extremists have taken jihad and manipulated its meaning to suit their own beliefs and dogmas.
The end result of all this has been and will continue to be heavy criticism and scrutiny of Muslims for performing an action that in actuality is very peaceful and responsible in its meaning.
To strive or struggle is the most suitable translation of the word jihad (Gulen 208-227).

Jihad is carried out by Muslims both collectively and individually. There are two parts of jihad: the lesser and the greater.
The greater jihad is the inner struggle that an individual Muslim goes through in order to fight against superstition, wrong belief, carnal desire, and evil inclinations while striving to obtain intellectual and spiritual enlightenment.
The lesser jihad is encouraging others to strive for and reach the same goal of enlightenment.

Both aspects are carried out in the name of God and both aspects are interdependent on each other, since one cannot work without the other.
Even from the human point of view, the cause of God is the cause of justice, the cause of the oppressed.
In the great persecution, before Mecca was won again, what sorrows, threats, tortures, and oppressions were suffered by those whose faith was unshaken?