Jaipur: Normally in sexual assault cases involving senior citizens, lawyer for the accused tell the courts that the person is incapable of performing a sex act.
In such cases, police conduct a potency test, the type of test that was conducted on Asaram Bapu in Jodhpur, and the report came out positive.
Tehelka founder-editor Tarun Tejpal also went through this test while Asaram's son Narayan Sai may undergo the potency test.
Officials point out to a case in 2001 in Jaipur, when an 81-year-old priest, Baba Jairam Das, was charged with raping a 38-year-old woman and then killed her by throwing her in a well.
During investigation, it was found that the woman was raped, after she visited a temple in Ramganj area, where Baba Jairam Das stayed.