The Gujarat ATS on Tuesday arrested two men wanted in connection with the murder of Hindutva leader Kamlesh Tiwari, said officials. The accused, Surat residents Ashfaq Shaikh (34) and Moinuddin Pathan (27), were absconding since Tiwari's brutal killing in Lucknow on October 18, they said in Ahmedabad.
They were arrested from near Shamlaji on the Gujarat-Rajasthan border when they were about to enter Gujarat on Tuesday evening, said Himanshu Shukla, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS).
Their location was traced through technical surveillance as they contacted their family members and friends after the duo ran out ofcash, he said.
The duo will be handed over to the Uttar Pradesh police probing the sensational killing of Tiwari, who headd a little known outfit, Hindu Samaj Party (HSP).
Tiwari (45), who was earlier associated with a faction of the Hindu Mahasabha, was killed at his home in Naka Hindola area in Lucknow.
Six persons, including three from Surat and one from Nagpur in Maharashtra, have already been taken into custody in connection with the murder case.
Also Read: Kamlesh Tiwari murder: Man held for providing weapon
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