Days after an auto driver in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur was brutally thrashed in public using iron plates, the police have arrested the main accused involved in the incident, a senior officer said on Friday. Abhishek Dubey (40) was arrested near Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on Thursday, while another accused Chandan Singh managed to flee, additional superintendent of police (North) Agam Jain said.
The duo was travelling in a car, which was intercepted near Ghaziabad, the official said, adding that they had intended to cross the international border to Nepal. The Madhya Pradesh police had taken the help of their Uttar Pradesh counterparts to nab the accused, he said.
Dubey and Singh are both history-sheeters, with several cases including murder and attempt to murder registered against them, he said.
Moreover, action will be taken against the duo under the National Security Act and warrants have been issued against them, he said.
Earlier this week, co-accused in the case, Akshay Shivhare (21) and Manoj Dubey (28) were apprehended.
Two scooter-borne women were hit by the autorickshaw driven by Ajit Vishwakarma in Jabalpur on October 11, following which the two main accused, who are acquaintances of the women, thrashed him brutally.
ALSO READ | Horrific Video: Autorickshaw driver thrashed with iron plates for hitting women's vehicle in MP's Jabalpur