The Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Friday announced the manufacturing of 50 new Amrit Bharat trains. These trains will be manufactured by Integral Coach Factory (ICF) over the next two years. These new Amrit Bharat version 2.0 trains will be launched with 12 major improvements, said the Union Railway minister.
Improvements announced in Amrit Bharat trains
Union Minister Vaishnaw shared some of the salient features that have been improved in the Amrit Bharat trains. These include- semi-automatic couplets, modular toilets, chair pillars and partitions, emergency talk back feature, emergency brake system, continuous lighting system like Vande Bharat trains, seats and berths with new ergonomic design.
"50 such Amrit Bharat Version 2.0 trains would be manufactured in the coming two years (at the Integral Coach Factory.). This will provide a very affordable service and very high quality of travelling experience to people travelling long distances," the minister said.
The entire pantry car in the Amrit Bharat Version 2.0 trains have been built using a new design. "The Amrit Bharat is designed based on the experience of Vande (Bharat) Sleeper and the first version of the Amrit Bharat (which was launched in 2024). he general coach has features like comfortable seats, charging points, mobile phone and water bottle holders and more," he said.
Ashwini Vaishnaw in Tamil Nadu
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw inspected the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai along with its General Manager U Subba Rao. He said the state government should place service to people above politics and the Centre and his Ministry is committed to take measures for the welfare of the people.
"Very happy to see the Amrit Bharat Version 2.0 (being manufactured here). As you can recall, the Amrit Bharat Version 1.0 was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi last January 2024 and based on the experience in the last one year, many improvements have been made in the Amrit Bharat Version 2.0," Vaishnaw told reporters at the ICF here.
Responding to a query about the apprehension raised by the Commissioner of Railway Safety on the construction of the historic Pamban bridge in Rameswaram, he said the designing of the bridge was done based on the Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO).
(With inputs from agencies)