Amid the rising number of coronavirus cases in the country, District Magistrate of Lucknow Abhishek Prakash on Monday paid a surprise visit to Charbagh Railway Station. During his visit, the IAS officer himself inspected the lunch boxes of the people who were arriving at the station and distributed the boxes too.
IAS Abhishek Prakash, the District Magistrate of Lucknow is leading the administration and is facilitating people at the time of lockdown. Nearly 30,000 doorstep deliveries are being made every day in Lucknow, under the administration of IAS Abhishek Prakash. More than 2 lakh households have so far benefitted from the services.
India coronavirus cases toll has crossed 67,000-mark taking positive patients tally to 67,152 including 2,206 deaths while 20,917 have recovered, according to health ministry's figures released on Monday.