Indian firepower got a major boost as Indian Air Force completed acquisition of all Apache and Chinook Helicopters. Boeing has completed delivering all of these helicopters as per the deal it struck with the Indian Air Force. Boeing has delivered all Apache and Chinook helicopters. Addition of these helicopters will increase IAFs firepower and also its logistical capabilities.
In its statement, Boeing said that India was one of the 17 countries which chose Apache helicopter. Boeing said that India receive the most advanced version of AH-64E helicopter. Apache helicopter has latest navigation systems that aid the advanced sensor and weapons systems.
Ministry of Defence had placed an order of 22 Apache helicopters and 15 Chinook helicopters in the year 2015. The deal with Boeing was worth USD 3 billion.

Chinook helicopter increases the capacity of Indian Air Force to provide supplies to Indian forces anywhere. Chinook helicopter is a heavy lifting air vehicle that can haul large amount of material needed for operations by Indian forces. Chinook helicopter can also aid Indian Army soldiers by providing them essential supplies.

Both Apache anc Chinook helicopters were pressed into service as India tackled the standoff with Chinese forces in Ladakh recently. Apache helicopters helped Indian forces patrol the skies and land to check whether Chinese forces were intruding in India. Sukhoi fighter jets patrolled the skies too.