2. Indian Armed Forces(1.3 million)
Indian armed forces stands at 9th position in employment providing field. The Indian Armed forces with it's four uniformed services: the Indian Navy, Indian army, Indian Air Force3 and India coast guard provides employment to 1.3million people.The Indian Armed Forces ,which are managed by Ministry of Defence with 1.3 active personnel is also 3rd largest military force and world largest volunteer military.
3. India Post(4.66lakhs)
Trading as India Post, the department of posts is a government- operated postal system which is generally reffered as "The Post Office" provides employment to over 4.66 lakh people of the population.The Indian post has the largest postal network in the world with over 1.55 lakh post offices opening wide range of opportunities for the citizes.Post offices are much in demand in rural areas .There is a constant demand from customers to open more post offices especially in newly developing urban agglomerations.