The economic blockade was launched at Chariduar in Sonitpur district on January 30, a day after 11 supporters of the CPI(ML) were killed and 8 others were injured by miscreants from Arunachal Pradesh at Chauldhowa area under Behali Reserve Forest.
Meanwhile, Arunachal Agrashan Pratirodh Samiti, which is spearheading a movement to protect Assam's land from being encroached by people from Arunachal Pradesh, today held a joint press conference along with CPI(ML) and 12 other organisations on the economic blockade.
“No one from any government contacted us in the last seven days. The Arunachal Pradesh government has still not been able to arrest the culprit. Giving compensation is not enough but the criminals need to punished, and it is a failure of both the governments,” an organiser said.
At Chariduar, about 30 km from Tezpur, hundreds of goods trucks have been stranded for the last five days.