Downfall of this Ravan came a day too soon.
Dussehra is a festival of victory of divine and defeat of the evil. Ravan, the mythological villain from Ramayana is considered to be the embodiment of all things evil and his effigy is burnt during Dussehra celebrations. Traditionally, the defeat of Ravan is marked on the Dussehra day but donwnfall of this demon King came on Monday instead of Tuesday.
Venue is Gandhi Maidan in Patna. Huge effigies of Ravan, his brothers Kubhakarna and Meghnad were erected in anticipation of grand Ravan Vadh (Slaying of the demon king Ravan) ceremony. But Ravan probably did a Kumbhakarna as his effigy toppled to lay horizontal on the ground below.
This complicated plans of the organisers as its quite a task to lift the Ravan effigy and set it erect so that the festivities can take place on Tuesday

The time runs short as Dussehra is on Tuesday (October 8).
Effigies of Meghnad and Kumbhakarna, interestingly remain standing.
Guess downfall of evil is inevitable anyway eh?

Watch | World's tallest Ravana effigy will be burnt in Chandigarh on Dussehra