A station master in Uttar Pradesh's Deoria was suspended from his post after he was seen masturbating in front of a woman. The incident was reported from inside the police station in Deoria, following which an FIR against the police officer was registered. According to the details, the accused was identified as station officer (SO) of Bhatni Police Station, Bhishm Pal Singh. The woman complainant at the police station had recorded a video of the incident, which had later gone viral on social media.
According to the details provided by the woman complainant, the police officer was touching himself inappropriately when she had gone inside his chamber to get a complaint registered.
Meanwhile, the video that has gone viral has sparked controversy in the area, with locals demanding action against the officer.
Media reports have also stated this was not the first time when the SHO was caught misbehaving in front of the woman complainant.
On earlier occasions too, the police officer had indulged in obscene behaviour while the woman had visited the police station in connection with a land dispute.
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