The security guard of a residence in Delhi's upscale Defence Colony is under the scanner after an 80-year-old man living in the house died of coronavirus on Wednesday. The deceased, who was admitted to Delhi's Max Hospital after testing positive for COVID-19 is now suspected to have contracted the virus through someone linked to the Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi's Nizamuddin. The guard of the building is suspected to be a member of Tablighi Jamaat, whose congregation at Nizamuddin proved to be the 'super spreader' of the virus in India.
The senior had citizen tested positive with the deadly virus after he came in contact with the security guard of the bungalow, who despite looking healthy was actually infected by the virus after attending the Tablighi Jamaat religious congregation.
The police then registered a case against Mustaqim in the Defence Colony police station. Now, as the family is dealing with this severe loss, the needle of suspicion centres around the missing guard.
The guard is believed to be a resident of the Okhla area.
Soon after three members of the family tested positive, the guard went missing from April 3. Eyewitnesses suggest that he made rounds around the building of the deceased.
Following that, the police registered a case against the guard at the Defence Colony police station.
Defence Colony RWA President Major Ranjit Singh, however, said that he cannot confirm the source of the infection.
"There are many houses in Defence Colony which are under surveillance. But this is the only house where people tested positive. I know they were admitted to Max Hospital, but it is for the police to investigate how they got the infection," he said.
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