Twenty police personnel posted at Moti Nagar police station in West Delhi tested positive for COVID-19, officials said on Monday. The first case at the police station was reported around 10 days ago, following which other staff were advised to remain in home quarantine, they said. The SHO of the police station, his reader, an inspector and head constables who work with him and personnel from the picket team are among those who have tested positive for the deadly virus, a senior police officer said.
The police station has not been sealed yet but the entire premises was disinfected, the officials said.
They said three more police personnel were asked to stay in home quarantine after contact tracing and their test results are awaited.
After a tea-seller who visited the police station also tested positive for the coronavirus, the police personnel are taking precautions while interacting with visitors, the officials said.
(With PTI inputs)
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