Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will be addressing a key press conference at 12:00 pm to address the COVID-19 situation in the national capital. Earlier today, Kejriwal informed the people of the highest number of tests (21,144) being carried out in Delhi in a single day. " Delhi conducted highest no of tests in a single day yesterday- 21,144. We have increased testing 4 times. Delhi now following the strategy of very aggressive testing and isolation," Kejriwal Tweeted.
Delhi has had a revamped plan to counter COVID-19 after the intervention of the Central govt. Kejriwal was locked in a series of meetings with Union Home Minister Arvind Kejriwal and a new strategy has been devised with mutual consent.
Some of the key points that changed in Delhi's strategy were
- Ramped up COVID-19 testing
- More beds made available by the Centre in forms of railway coaches
- Revamped containment zones
- Extensive contact tracing
- Door to door screening of houses in the capital
- And now, serological survey has begun in Delhi.
Delhi has seen 77,240 reported cases of coronavirus. Out of these, 47,091 patients have recovered while 2,492 have succumbed to the illness.
Delhi currently has about 27,600 active coronavirus cases.