A sum of Rs 12.50 crore has been deposited so far in the Chief Minister's Relief Fund (CMRF) in Maharashtra to fight the coronavirus crisis in the state, which leads in the number of COVID-19 cases.
The fund has also received medical equipment and protective gears worth Rs 10 crore to be used in tackling the deadly infection, said a statement issued by the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) on Monday night.
The government has opened a new bank account to receive coronavirus-related donations.
The state government is taking various efforts to counter the spread of COVID-19 in Maharashtra. The newly- announced bank account has received donations worth Rs 12. 50 crore (till now), the CMO stated.
It has also received various medical equipment worth Rs 10 crore which include masks, ventilators, PPE kits, RT-PCR machine and multi-loader radiography system, among others, the release added.
Maharashtra has so far reported 220 COVID-19 cases and 10 deaths from the infection, the highest among states.
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