In a major shutdown spate in coronavirus-hit states, Tamil Nadu Education Department announced holiday for pre-primary, primary students in 7 districts, till March 31. Classes till 5th standard to remain closed in Kanyakumari, Nellai, Tenkasi, Theni, Coimbatore, Tirupur, and Nilgiri districts in the wake of coronavirus.
This announcement comes as a preventive measure, days after a positive case of Coronavirus was reported in the state.
A 45-year-old man is the only COVID-19 positive case in Tamil Nadu.
Meanwhile, many other states like Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Haryana, Delhi, Punjab and many more announced to close schools, colleges, and other educational institutes to prevent the transmission of the novel coronavirus.
Karnataka and Kerala, the neighbouring states to Tamil Nadu, are majorly hit by the COVID-19 with around 10 cases each. Therefore, it is a huge challenge for the Tamil Nadu government to follow the necessary steps to prevent transmission through inter-state borders.
As many as 81 confirmed cases have been found in India and one person has died due to the coronavirus infection so far. Centre and state government are taking all the measures to contain the transmission of the deadly virus.
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