No additional activities will be allowed in Delhi until further orders, a notice from Additional Commissioner of Police, Special Branch said on Monday. The activities being referred to are the relaxations that were mentioned by the Center after a review of the situation on April 20.
The notice read, "The government of NCT of Delhi, in view of the assessment of COVID-19 situation in Delhi, has decided to maintain status quo with respect to strict implementation of consolidated guidelines issued by the order of the Government of India dated 15.4.2020, without any relaxation for 'additional activities' till another comprehensive assessment on April 27 for further orders."
The order mentioned the exemption that will be given to certain central government employees. "However, Central Govt employees above the rank of Deputy Secretary will be attending their offices 100% and the lower level staff 30%. Since it is not possible to gauge who are within the 30%, all central government employees be permitted on the basis of their identity cards. The ground level staff be brief about it thoroughly and repeatedly by district DCSP, ACSP and SHOs," the order stated.
It was also stated that because certain govt employees travel via hired taxis, these vehicles will be allowed on the basis of their identity cards.
Coronavirus cases in Delhi are closing in on 2,000 while the death toll has crossed 40. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday addressed the public and said that the COVID-19 situation in Delhi was fast escalating and the virus was spreading rapidly, which is why no relaxation in lockdown will be possible at this time.