New Delhi: CBI has filed its first charge-sheet here against gangster Chhota Rajan and three former officials of Bengaluru Passport Office accusing them of criminal conspirasy and forgery over issuance of fake passport to him which he used to escape to Australia.
The charge sheet has been filed in the Special Court, Patiala House which has also taken cognisance of it, CBI Press Information Officer R K Gaur said.
They said Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje alias Chhota Rajan and three passport officials Jay Shree Rahate, Deepak Natvarlal Shah and Lalitha Layamon who were posted at Bengaluru passport office and are now retired have been made accused in the charge sheet.
CBI sources said the agency has levelled charges of criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery and provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act in the charge sheet.
CBI had registered a case against Rajan and unknown public servants alleging that he allegedly got prepared an Indian Passport No.G9273860 in the fake name of Mohan Kumar, allegedly residing at 107/B, Old MC Road, Azad Nagar, Mandya (Karnataka).
"He allegedly reached Australia on September 22, 2003 on the strength of the said passport and tourist visa and fraudulently obtained several different visas since then and continued to stay there October 25, 2015," Gaur said.
Rajan was detained by Indonesian Police at Bali on October 25, 2015 on his arrival from Australia against a Red Corner Notice issued by the Interpol from where he was deported to India on November 6, 2015. Rajan is currently lodged in Tihar Jail.